Because they will always be your baby.

We help toddlers and preschoolers become independent eaters, movers, and thinkers.

Toddler feeding himself with a large spoon and a big bowl in front of him

Feeding Skills

  • Eat solid foods

  • Use a fork and spoon

  • Drink from a straw or open cup

  • Eat a varied diet

  • Transition off bottles

Toddler coloring with a crayon

Fine Motor Skills

  • Use both hands equally and effectively

  • Poke and point with index finger

  • Use thumb and index finger to pick up small objects (pincer grasp)

  • Learn to hold a crayon

  • Open containers

  • Use scissors

  • Participate in and enjoy arts and crafts activities

Girl reaches to pop a bubble

Play + Daily Living Skills

  • Follow daily routines

  • Getting Dressed

  • Brushing teeth

  • Participate in messy play

  • Interact with family and peers

  • Follow directions

  • Engage in imaginative play

  • Enjoy the playground

Let’s work together!

Schedule a free 15-minute call to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

We have immediate openings for comprehensive evaluations and follow-up appointments.