Lactation + Feeding Therapy

from the region’s only occupational therapist and board-certified lactation consultant (OT, IBCLC)

Father bottle feeding his baby.

As a parent, nourishing your child is a top priority. Sometimes, feeding comes naturally, but for many babies, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or eating solid foods can be challenging. It can be quite stressful when things don’t go as planned. That’s why it’s important to have an expert in your corner who can support you and provide evidenced-based solutions to help get your little eating.

How We Can Help

Breastfeeding + Lactation

Prenatal Feeding Preparation

Difficulty Latching

Painful Latch

Low Milk Supply or Oversupply

Positioning Strategies

Pumping and Flange Fit

Sleepy or Breast Refusal

Gassy, Fussy Baby


Tongue Tie Questions

Slow Weight Gain

Seems to Feed Constantly

Failure to Thrive

Bottle Feeding

Choosing the Right Bottle

Bottle Refusal


Leaking, Dribbling Milk

Slow to feed (<25 minutes)


Slow Weight Gain

When to Change the Nipple

Eating Solid Foods

Deciding When to Start Solids

What Foods to Offer & When

Not Interested or Refuses Solid Foods


Frequent Coughing

Baby Led Weaning

Using Fork and Spoon

Using an Open Cup or Straw

Weaning from Breast/Bottle

Routines & Schedules

Free Lactation Services

Great news! If your baby is receiving any of your breastmilk (or that is your goal), our lactation services and feeding therapy may be covered 100% by your insurance.  

  • bwellbaby, LLC is a member of The Lactation Network (TLN). TLN makes it easy for you to verify and navigate your insurance benefits.

  • Click here to check your insurance coverage. Simply complete this form and once approved (usually within 24-48 hours), we can schedule your appointment. This link is dedicated to bwellbaby.

  • Lactation and breastfeeding services are considered preventive healthcare under the Affordable Care Act and all private health insurance plans must cover the cost of services that support breastfeeding and lactation during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

  • If your insurance plan is not part of The Lactation Network, bwellbaby, LLC would be considered an out-of-network provider.